Sales Terms You Need to Remove From Your Vocabulary

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Do you get overwhelmed with the amount of sales terms you have to know?

Every business has its own vocabulary when it comes to unit measurements, and then there are all of the other sales terms related to acquiring a new customer. But there are some sales phrases you can stop using when giving updates on your team’s performance.

They’re often used to describe why you weren’t able to close the sale. Unfortunately, when certain sales terms are used to describe these customers, they’re instantly ignored instead of studying them to learn how to improve your performance.

So what are these common sale terms you should start leaving out of your vocabulary? There are probably dozens of them, but these are the ones you should stop using immediately.


Sales teams used to describe unsellable customers are usually people that don’t meet certain criteria. For example, it might be their age, income, or something else that puts them outside the constraints of being able to sell to these individuals.

However, your team shouldn’t dismiss these people so quickly. At the end of the day, your team represent your brand. If the prospect’s situation changes, they will remember how they were treated. It could also be an opportunity to capture the details of these people and reconnect with them during quieter times of the year to see if they meet the criteria.

Tyre Kicker

There are many sales terms used to describe tyre kickers. These are individuals who seem to want information on every single detail of the products or services you sell. They also only seem half interested.

Sales teams will define these as tyre kickers because it takes more effort to sell to them. You may need to adjust your style or technique in order to close these sales. Your needs analysis questions need to be on point, and you have to take control of the conversation. Don’t get led by the prospect. But most importantly, don’t dismiss them.

Time Waster

A sales team can define someone wasting their time purely because they didn’t sign up on the spot. However, prospects these days are much savvier. They’ve got access to loads more information than what they would have five years ago. As such, sales teams need to play the long game rather than expecting sale after sale after sale.

However, you should never consider time with a potential client a waste of time. Every interaction should be an opportunity to learn more, regardless if it turns out in a sale or not. Use these opportunities to identify different types of sellers and how you can improve your approach. Also, don’t be afraid to follow up. It might take a few conversations to get the result you’re after.


The term unconvertible isn’t even a real word. Type it into Microsoft Word, and you’ll get the red scribbly line underneath it. But many sales teams continue to use the term to describe a prospect they haven’t been able to get across the line. It could be for any number of reasons, but the team marks it like this to avoid an impact on their sales conversion.

Teams need to remember that targets for sales conversion aren’t set at 100%. There’s an expectation that you’re not going to close the deal for certain prospects. It could be related to the price, the features, benefits, or something else entirely. The reason someone doesn’t buy is just as important as the sales that are converted. It’s how corporate teams improve their products and services to help convert more people.

Sales Terms You Need to Know

Sometimes it can feel like the sales terms are just as important as the deals you’re closing. You need to be able to communicate to upper management the team’s performance and give them enough insight so that it feels they’re on the frontline as well. However, it’s important not to sugarcoat it. You and the company will only get better if you learn from the sales you don’t get.

If you want more advice for your sales team, then make sure to follow the Better Boss Blog. You’ll find tips, tricks, and advice on improving your people and leading them to meet their targets. Follow pwf services on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook, so you never miss a post.

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